Wednesday, April 28, 2010

I could really use some advice guys !?

Like all grown men I dont aim when i go to the restroom. Infact, i dont even touch anything so that i dont have to wash my hands, this is totally sanitary cause i learned it at a florida community college. My lack of aiming cause the metal toilet to rust out, the tile on the floor to fade, and the shower curtain to dry rot in my girlfriends apt. she has filed a law suit to have me remodel her bathroom because she said i destroyed it and made it smell like stale beef enchilada. how can i get out of paying for court fees and remodeling her bathroom ?I could really use some advice guys !?
Hmm...maybe you shouldn't have peed all over it in the first place.I could really use some advice guys !?
Say it wasn't you!
since u don't aim based on hygiene, u have gotten no choice than to pay court fees and bathroom remodeling charges.

good for you
Eat the metal toilet, the tile and, the shower curtain. No evidence, no crime.
*Wonders why this person avoids or dislikes washing hands*
dude you could at least wipe the toilet seat.
First thing, if your urine is that strong go see a doctor, you have some problems. Second, if you don't want ot touch ';anything'; so you don't have to wash your hands......sit your A** down and don't stand up until the performance is complete. Third, find a retail home supply place with good prices and get busy. She is letting you off light, I would have put you in there with a bucket of pine-sol and an old toothbrush. LAST, but by no means least, this Florida Community College needs a visit from the State Health Department. Anybody who would teach this crock of garbage is sick!
Sounds like it is her word against yours! Ask for proof!
Try sitting down on the loo then you cannot miss even with your eyes closed,also you talk about being sanitary,would'nt it be more sanitary to get it right the first time rather than spray it all over the place ?
Look to avoid further mishaps of this nature, whenever you go visiting raid the kitchen draws until you find a set of tongs.

These are handy for holding yourself whilst urinating.

Don't forget to put them back in the draw when you leave.It's the polite thing to do.
Thats why they took peanuts off the bars at pub's cos dirty blastards like you do not give a crap about anyone else. Wash your hands and aim straight ya pig. If ya make a mess, clean it up.
This couldn't be some angry woman masquerading as a man could it? Most grown men have good aim, despite what the fat, angry lesbians at your local NOW meeting tell you.
You should not get out off it, Because you are a pig ! I have never heard of such a filthy habit in all my life !
all this because you don't wish to wash your hands, boy oh boy oh boy.

serves you right
Just don't admit to not aiming when the judge asks how this happened or you will lose that battle.

Destroy the evidence, pretend you never lived there....change identity quick.

oh yeah, bleach your shoes to rid the bacteria you splashed all over them......with your clean hands, waaahahhahaha

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